In March we returned to Bo, Sierra Leone. We had a very productive trip.
We were able to observe the students in the clinic as they demonstrated their clinical skills, performing extractions and placing restorations. They will continue their training and will soon be recommended for a diploma for a Mid-level Dental Provider from the college at Every Nation Schools.
They were excited about new restorative materials that we introduced, which will be much easier to use than the previous materials.
We also introduced a dental hygiene module to the training. Our intention was to train the students to be able to deal with acute periodontal (gum) issues. However, the training was so well received by the trainees and the patients, that it was decided to make this a separate program. For future classes, students will be able to choose training to be a Mid-level Dental Provider or a Dental Hygienist.
Please continue to pray for the students and trainer as they finish the program. Also, please pray for the next class that we hope to start in November of this year.
We ask that you consider making a monthly pledge to help support our efforts in Sierra Leone.
Pastor Shodankeh had a surprise announcement for us. A patient who was treated at the clinic, was so impressed with the treatment and he recognized the need for a larger facility. He and his wife decided to donate a hotel to New Harvest Ministries to house Morningstar Clinic and possibly for a future hospital. See video of gratitude.
Announcing: Mary “Patricia” Comfort Momoh
One of my first students in the program since 2009, Kassay, has shown such dedication to the program and has blessed me with the greatest honor. He is 29 years old and a father of two. This is his newest addition and she has been given my lovely wife’s first name, Patricia, for her middle name.